There are quite a few different ways that you can size up the value of a travel credit card’s welcome bonus. A welcome bonus is simply a lump sum of points that you get when you spend money with your credit card. There is typically a minimum amount you’ll need to spend in a specific time frame in order to receive the bonus. There are many different cards that will offer you bonus miles such as the AAdvantage Aviator Red World Elite Mastercard which gives you bonus miles after just your first purchase.

Key Takeaways:

  • Welcome bonuses are points that you earn by spending money and they can be redeemed for different types of rewards.
  • Some cards allow you to get bonus miles with your purchases and others let you get rewards points.
  • Most of the biggest welcome bonuses comes from credit cards that are newly launched and are looking for new customers/attention.

“Depending on which cards you’ve been looking at, you may have seen some bogglingly large offers of points in welcome bonuses.”

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