When it comes to social media, one of the most important things that you can do is simply be authentic. Mental health plays a major role in the hospitality industry as the ability to bounce back and have a fun work environment helps to encourage employees to work hard. Being yourself on social media will have a positive affect on your followers. If you are pretending to be something you’re not, they’ll be able to spot it. Finally, make sure to be balanced and treat everyone well.

Key Takeaways:

  • When it comes to social media marketing it is important to simply be yourself and be authentic as your visitors can sense that.
  • Make sure to have balance and try to do good by your employees as that will lead to positivity within the workplace.
  • Food plays a major role in society and is a way that people can share memories with one another.

“Chef Dave Critchley says the industry’s ability to bounce hinges upon the environment being an enjoyable one to be a part of.”

Read more: https://www.entrepreneur.com/video/422061