There are several features associated with credit cards that are valuable incentives for new applicants. For those people who already have a credit card, there could also be offers or rewards that they could be using. If you want to maximize the value you receive from a credit card, consider looking at the introductory offers, buy now and pay later options, and rewards on purchases. Also, consider the merchant-specific discounts and benefits associated with the card, such as cell phone insurance or price protection.
Key Takeaways:
- If you have a large upcoming expense and have good credit, you might want to finance it with a credit card that offers a 0% intro annual percentage rate.
- Considering how prices are rising, you might want to consider a credit card associated with a rewards rate of 2% to 3% back on purchases.
- There are some money-saving benefits you can take advantage of, such as cell phone insurance or price protection.
“If you have good credit but want to pay off existing debt, a balance transfer credit card may lower costs.”
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