Are you trying to get the best price on your next car? If so, you are in the right place. Because today I’m sharing 5 things you should NEVER tell a car dealer during negotiations if you want to get your best deal.

These tips are very easy to follow, and best of all, they will save you a boatload money.

When I bought my last car, these same tips are what helped me save $6,107.87.

Now, let’s jump right in.


Okay, first up — never discuss the monthly payment you can afford. Why not? Because dealers will use this information against you to upsell unnecessary and overpriced add-ons.

And along these same lines, never tell them the most you can spend on a car. They already have a pretty good guess on what you can afford based on the type of car you’re eyeing. I mean, you wouldn’t be looking at a Lamborghini if you can only afford a Toyota Corolla, right?

The goal here is to maximize your money and get the best value. If they know your spending limit, they’ll push you to it or even a little past it, if you let them.

Even if they can offer a better deal, they likely won’t if they see you’re willing to overpay. So, keep your cards close to your chest, keep your budget to yourself, and aim for a price lower than what you’re actually comfortable with.


Number two — never ever tell the dealer you’re in a rush .
If The dealer is able to tell that you are in a rush, you will not be able to get the best price possible.

Even if your car just broke down and you need a replacement ASAP, don’t let them know! Rent a car for a week if you have to.
It could be the best $400 you ever spend because it gives you time to explore your options and get the right deal.

Remember that being in a rush can really cost you. So, take your time, shop around, and don’t hesitate to walk away if the price isn’t right.


This might surprise you, but don’t tell the dealer, especially the salesman, you’re paying in cash until you are in financing. Dealers prefer financing because they get a commission from lender kickbacks.
If you mention cash upfront, they may not be as flexible with the price of the car. And let’s be real — your main concern should be getting the best price for the car.

Once you’ve negotiated and you’re happy with the deal, then casually drop, “Oh, and by the way, I’m paying cash.” You might even catch them off guard, in a good way!


This one’s tough, but never say, “I love this car!”.

I get it—you’re excited, but once you show that emotional spark, the dealer has the upper hand. They know you’re hooked, and it becomes much harder for you to walk away or negotiate better.

Stay cool. Show interest, sure, but don’t let them know you’ve fallen in love with the car. Keep that poker face on until you’ve locked in the price you want.


Finally, don’t mention you have a trade-in. Work the best price for the car you want. If you bring up your trade-in too early, they might give you a good offer on it but mark up the new car to make up the difference.

Here’s a pro tip: consider selling your old car privately. You’ll often get more money that way than from the dealer. But if you do want to trade it in, wait until after you’ve settled on the price for the new car first.

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If you don’t already know me, my name’s Sonia Narvaez. I’m a licensed CPA and wealth building strategist with over 25 years experience.

And if you have any questions about how to take advantage of any of these tax savings strategies, book your FREE estimate with a member of my team, simply click this scheduling link, and pick the time that works best for you.

We would love to help and meet with you.